
GeneChip™ 2.1 ST ადამიანის ტრანსკრიპტომის ანალიზის ნაკრები


Catalog number: 902114


Comprehensive design
Keeping pace with the research community's understanding of the transcriptome, we have designed whole-transcript arrays that include probes to measure both messenger (mRNA) and long intergenic non-coding RNA transcripts (lincRNA). These whole-transcript array designs provide a complete expression profile of mRNA as well as the intermediary lincRNA transcripts that impact the mRNA expression profile.
Research over the past 20 years has predominantly focused on protein coding messenger RNA transcripts and their role in cellular processes, such as disease and development. Recently researchers have identified more that 10,000 transcripts (>200 bases) with little or no protein coding potential. Only a small fraction of these non-coding RNAs has functional annotations to date. However, there is ample evidence that differential expression of lincRNAs plays an important role in the genesis and progression of disease and that aberrant expression of these molecules have also been linked to cancer. Recent advancements in transcriptome profiling provided evidence of the association of lincRNAs in a diverse range of cellular functions:

  • Regulation of mRNA transcription

  • Regulation of mRNA post-transcriptional modifications

  • Occlusion/recruitment of transcription factor binding

  • Activation and transportation of transcription factors

  • Interaction with accessory proteins

  • Guide protein complexes to locations in the genome

Key benefits

  • Comprehensive coverage provides the best opportunity to discover interesting biology

  • >30,000 coding transcripts

  • >11,000 long intergenic non-coding transcripts

  • Measure alternative splicing events/transcript variants with probes designed to maximize exon coverage

  • Reproducible: Intra-lot correlation coefficient =0.99

Content profile

In order to provide the research community with a tool that can evaluate a growing class of lincRNAs, we have designed theHuman Gene 2.1 ST Array Strip. To supplement the lincRNA data contained in RefSeq, we use sequence sand transcripts from lncRNA db (www.lncrnadb.com) and Broad Institute, Human Body Map lincRNAs, and TUCP (transcripts of uncertain coding potential) catalog (http://www.broadinstitute.org/genome_bio/human_lincrnas/).


Array Format:

array strip

Array Type:

Transcriptome Profiling

Number of Arrays:

4 arrays

Product Line:


Product Size:

1 kit

